2.4: Anti-Oppressive & Anti Racist Vegan and Vegetarian Vietnamese Food at Diane's Place.

Diane Lam (Lam Tu Nghi) is the owner and operator of new Saskatoon fav, Diane's Place. Serving delicious vegan and vegetarian Vietnamese food. Diane operates out of her home kitchen on weekends while working for Sask PolyTech during the week. Her food is only available through her social media pages.

Diane Lam (Lam Tu Nghi) is the owner and operator of new Saskatoon fav, Diane’s Place. Serving delicious vegan and vegetarian Vietnamese food. Diane operates out of her home kitchen on weekends while working from home full-time. Her food is only available through her social media pages. Listen in as we talk about Vietnamese food, anti-oppression, anti-racism, and ultimately what the heck is going on in settler families?

Show Notes:
Diane's Place Instagram 
The Billboard in Saskatoon that caused some people to lose their shit.

An An Market in Saskatoon

Racist Out burst at Mai's Restaurant Article

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Our Instagram


2.5: April Holder on Art, Creative Drive, and The Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


2.3: The Social Contexts & Personal Life of Ashley Callingbull